Locksley Woods Condominium Association, Inc.

Locksley Woods is a 178 unit condominium community located in Greenville, NC. Amenities include a swimming pool, green space and a private pond.
HOA Responsibilities: roofs, vinyl siding repairs/pressure washing, door/shutter painting (property wide only), grass cutting, entrance sign, pool, sidewalks, stairwells/ walkways/ breezeways, parking lot, street lights, exterior termite and pest inspection, maintenance of community mailbox, master insurance policy.
Limited Common Elements: (maintenance is handled through HOA, but owner is responsible for payment): balconies, patios, windows (and casing), all exterior doors (including casing and hardware), pipes/wires in walls between units, hose bids, vent covers.
Owners Responsibilities: screens, interior of unit (paint to patio), contents of unit, dryer vent clean out, HVAC systems, scheduling of interior termite and pest inspections/treatments, termite damage repair (exterior and interior), individual mailbox key, cars towed out of designated space, HO6 insurance policy.
Notice: The Association hereby gives notice to its membership that any member may initiate voluntary prelitigation mediation of disputes pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7A-38.3F to try and resolve a dispute with the Association; pursuant to this statute, disputes do not include disputes related solely to a member’s failure to timely pay an association assessment or any fines or fees associated with the levying of collection of an association assessment.
HOA Meetings:
2024 Board of Directors meetings scheduled for the second Thursday of every month starting at 5:30 pm, to be located at RPM’s office.
These meetings are designed for the elected officials comprising the Board of Directors to conduct business regarding the HOA. All Board meetings are open to owners and residents for observation; if the Board elects to hold an executive session all others will be asked to leave the meeting. If you wish to address the Board at the meeting, you must request to be added to the agenda. If you plan to attend a Board meeting, please notify the HOA Manager (preferably in writing or via email). Meeting dates and times are subject to change without notice.
2024 Board of Directors:
President – Danny Smith
Vice President – Logan Simmons
Treasurer – Robin Kee
Secretary – Linda Hall
Sandra Conklin
Andrew Rowland
John Lynch