Vancroft Homeowners Association, Inc.
**HOA Responsibilities: inspections to document Covenant and rule violations
**Owner Responsibilities: Entire home (exterior and interior), fence, lawn, driveway, mailbox, everything related to pest/termites, HO3 Insurance policy.
**Streets are public and are part of city maintenance.
Our office does not currently offer draft for this neighborhood.
Notice: The Association hereby gives notice to its membership that any member may initiate voluntary prelitigation mediation of disputes pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7A-38.3F to try and resolve a dispute with the Association; pursuant to this statute, disputes do not include disputes related solely to a member’s failure to timely pay an association assessment or any fines or fees associated with the levying of collection of an association assessment.
HOA Meetings:
There are currently no meetings scheduled for this HOA.